Search found 2 matches

by NateD
22 Feb 2016 18:32
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Wi-Fi tether connected
Replies: 1
Views: 6216

Wi-Fi tether connected

A condition which checks to see if any devices are connected while tethering would be extremely useful. I was only able to find a condition check to see if tethering is turned on.
by NateD
10 May 2015 05:07
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: Request: Flow that measures wifi & mobile data
Replies: 0
Views: 7163

Request: Flow that measures wifi & mobile data

Bottom Line Up Front: I would like help developing a flow that measures wifi and mobile data and then turns them off if the traffic doesn't meet a specific threshold. I have tried a few flows from this forum but they all seem to measure "0" for rx_bytes whether I'm on mobile data or wifi, and whethe...