Search found 8 matches

by tourdetor
01 Jun 2016 10:06
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Screen always on
Replies: 2
Views: 7907

Screen always on

When power and bt connected and in car. How?
by tourdetor
16 Jan 2016 21:15
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Bluetooth in car
Replies: 10
Views: 22899

Re: Bluetooth in car

Thanks for all help and answers. Have thought about these nfc stickers before, and seems like I have to bite the bullet and buy some of them. Handy. Thing is I'm very often in and out of the car during a work day, and often doing work just a few meters (10 to 50 meters) away from the car. Jupp. Blue...
by tourdetor
12 Jan 2016 21:04
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Bluetooth in car
Replies: 10
Views: 22899

Bluetooth in car

Trying to set up this flow thingy when leaving house and entering car. Will this work?

Wish I could figure out how to automate that Bluetooth switches off when leaving car (as soon as door is slammed behind me) and reconnect as soon I enter car again. Help much appreciated
by tourdetor
18 Jun 2015 22:37
Forum: General
Topic: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Replies: 8
Views: 24141

Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?

Doesn't work. Can't stop receiving mail completely (from this single exchange accoynt) unless I disable the global auto sync.
by tourdetor
16 Jun 2015 20:21
Forum: General
Topic: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Replies: 8
Views: 24141

Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?

Strange thing. That is how I had it setup (tested and working), but since today my exchange mail started receiving mail after given time of sync disabled. I have had a global sync going on as well, but with sync for exchange disabled earlier then the global. This should/could work? I will try again....
by tourdetor
16 Jun 2015 16:51
Forum: General
Topic: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Replies: 8
Views: 24141

Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?

Or is this better? Must they both be used at once? Have a feeling that I'm making things more complex than necessary
by tourdetor
16 Jun 2015 16:19
Forum: General
Topic: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Replies: 8
Views: 24141

Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?

Thanks for your answer, Martin.

Little bit new to automagic, so not sure what I'm doing at all. Simple flows only.

How is the attached flow looking?
by tourdetor
08 Jun 2015 07:49
Forum: General
Topic: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Replies: 8
Views: 24141

Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?

This is almost 2 years ago. How about now? There is an option for choosing spesific mail and sync, but it says experimental.