Search found 11 matches

by Tender
24 Sep 2015 22:07
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Flows without the need of saving triggers/conditions
Replies: 0
Views: 7757

Flows without the need of saving triggers/conditions

I know, it's a basic feature, but i don't need it and often it disrupts me at programming an new flow. I always give a new name to a trigger/condition with a random number to avoid automagic asking me, that this trigger/condition is used in another flow. I rarely want to use a trigger/condition 2 ti...
by Tender
24 Sep 2015 21:51
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Writing on External SD Card for KitKat and Lollipop
Replies: 1
Views: 7649

Writing on External SD Card for KitKat and Lollipop

I've just read, that this feature is on the list. Just saying that I'm waiting for this feature too ;)
I can't use SD Fix and i can't root my Device without a big risk. So I don't try it. Up to now, Automagic is a really big help on my non-rooted phone :)
by Tender
07 May 2013 20:09
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: PC Desktop Flow Editor.
Replies: 9
Views: 25912

Re: PC Desktop Flow Editor.

Yes, this will be great ;) But only if you have the time for programming this. I think, the main-app for Android has priority.

by Tender
07 May 2013 20:06
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: New variable for incoming calls "contact_group"
Replies: 1
Views: 7568

Re: New variable for incoming calls "contact_group"


i'd like to have this Feature too :) Then i can completely replace my Profile-App with Automagic. (I want to block/mute specific numbers/groups sometimes)

by Tender
07 May 2013 20:02
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Local Calendar not found (V.1.16.0)
Replies: 2
Views: 10670

Re: Local Calendar not found (V.1.16.0)


the Bug is solved in Version 1.17.0!
Thank You!

by Tender
17 Apr 2013 19:31
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Local Calendar not found (V.1.16.0)
Replies: 2
Views: 10670

Local Calendar not found (V.1.16.0)

Hello, the new feature "Local calendar event" doesn't work on my Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S (Android 2.3.4 - Kernel-Version - Build-Number 4.0.2.A.0.69 - Rooted - Root Functions in Automagic activated). The errormessage in german is "Lokaler Kalender fehlt: Auf diesem Gerät ist kein lo...
by Tender
08 Apr 2013 20:23
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Store formated date into variable
Replies: 10
Views: 32873

Re: Store formated date into variable

OooooooooooKay! I understand :) Very Thanks!
by Tender
06 Apr 2013 18:01
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Store formated date into variable
Replies: 10
Views: 32873

Re: Store formated date into variable

Hi, i have tried this, and it works: datum="{getDate(),dateformat,dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss}" But what i need is a function that calculate a given UTC time into it's MESZ time. The given UTC time is in a human readable format, like: 20130425-192000 (25.April 2013 - 19:20:00 o'clock) I think, it is possibl...
by Tender
06 Apr 2013 16:39
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Trigger on Clock Alarm
Replies: 2
Views: 10158

Re: Trigger on Clock Alarm

This is already possible.

Display Status is: On

Service is running:

If Condition is: Yes -> Do whatever...

This is working on my Xperia Arc S.
by Tender
03 Apr 2013 05:26
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Create Calendar Event
Replies: 0
Views: 7236

Create Calendar Event

I would like to have this function: When i'm sending someone a special formatted sms who has automagic, that his automagic turns the sms into a calendar event. (Not google calendar - we don't use google calendars because of privacy reasons) I have tried to create a calendar event with start activity...