Search found 19 matches

by viorel.rusu
19 Mar 2020 10:40
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to add additional numbers to a call
Replies: 6
Views: 16036

Re: How to add additional numbers to a call

BoBo wrote:
19 Mar 2020 09:22
MickyMicky's suggestion might work fine ... :idea: :?:
Action > Sound > File
This doesn't work.
by viorel.rusu
19 Mar 2020 05:46
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to add additional numbers to a call
Replies: 6
Views: 16036

Re: How to add additional numbers to a call

Yes, I'm trying to make a conference call.
I didn't try to paste numbers (I don't know if will work, how can I paste numbers?)
by viorel.rusu
16 Mar 2020 09:01
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to add additional numbers to a call
Replies: 6
Views: 16036

How to add additional numbers to a call

Hi, I have this situation: I want to call a number and, after the call is started I want to input additional numbers Ex.: call +1233546546 -> sleep(3s) -> after a while to input 123456# -> sleep(3s) -> input 987654654# I tried with Control UI, sometimes it's working, sometimes not (Huawei P20 Pro, a...
by viorel.rusu
26 Feb 2019 08:26
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: Spotify restart, select playlist, shuffle play
Replies: 4
Views: 38985

Re: Spotify restart, select playlist, shuffle play

Hi there, I got Automagic because spotify was randomly not playing in my car. This flow seems to work for me now, you just need to set your spotify username and playlist id which you can get by copying the playlist from spotify. Create a Bluetooth flow that executes this flow and you should be good...
by viorel.rusu
26 Feb 2019 08:21
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Spotify launched but does not play
Replies: 5
Views: 18932

Re: Spotify launched but does not play

Karl wrote:Thanks, That worked a treat.

Does anyone have the exact syntax for playing a specific playlist

Thanks again,
Did that anyone? I tried with Open URL in browser, but it doesn't play the named playlist. It starts the last playlist, not the parameter one...
Thank you
by viorel.rusu
01 Jan 2019 13:20
Forum: General
Topic: Waze location shortcut
Replies: 3
Views: 11261

Re: Waze location shortcut

Try the google maps example at the action Start Activity, choose examples : Google Maps with coordinate, but change the packagename to waze. Action : android.intent.action.VIEW Data URI : geo:48.858231,2.294462?z=13 Explicit Component : check Package Name : com.waze Don't know if it will work. But ...
by viorel.rusu
24 Dec 2018 06:56
Forum: General
Topic: Waze location shortcut
Replies: 3
Views: 11261

Waze location shortcut

There is any way to implement something like a waze location shortcut (working with favorites, for example)?
I made something with CONTROL UI, but sometimes are delays, etc... and doesn't work all the time because more loops and waits are needed...
Any help?
Thank you
by viorel.rusu
12 Jul 2018 12:51
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: ? Condition Screen is locked/unlocked
Replies: 1
Views: 6376

? Condition Screen is locked/unlocked


I want to know if is a condition element to check if the phone is locked or unlocked. (screen can be on, but the phone to be locked)
Thank you
by viorel.rusu
28 Jun 2018 08:12
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Single Choice Menu customisations
Replies: 1
Views: 6992

Single Choice Menu customisations

Hi, I made a widget and some flows in order to use it as a phone profiles, with Single Choice Menu for selection of the profiles. Now, the text of the choices are short, but the message window is pretty big... with a lot of empty space... and the text is on the left of the screen, I usually use righ...
by viorel.rusu
27 Jun 2018 14:06
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Nicht Stören Regler / do not distrub switch
Replies: 3
Views: 12346

Re: Nicht Stören Regler / do not distrub switch

Gotscha00 wrote:Ja, habe ich durch Zufall auch gerade gefunden. Danke trotzdem.
Some English, please?...
OK, use "Set interruption mode". Not an intuitive name (some with Disturb is more intuitive)...