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by Gabeloooooo
30 May 2013 12:12
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Can't import backup flows XML
Replies: 1
Views: 7356

Can't import backup flows XML


Backed up my flows to XML file, but can't import back.

I try to click the XML in ES file explorer, but it does not offer the choice of automagic. Any tips?
by Gabeloooooo
29 Apr 2013 22:04
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Anyone got FolderSync Plugin to work?
Replies: 3
Views: 12215

Re: Anyone got FolderSync Plugin to work?

bobchernow wrote:The first option of starting a sync works for me but the two other option do not. Same response on tasker as well.
Can you be more specific about the 'first option', I'm not sure what you mean.

A million thanks,
by Gabeloooooo
29 Apr 2013 20:20
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Anyone got FolderSync Plugin to work?
Replies: 3
Views: 12215

Anyone got FolderSync Plugin to work?

Loving this app, far better UI than other tasking apps.

I've been trying to use the experimental feature of plugins with FolderSync. The configure button works, allows me to choose a folder pair to sync, yet when I run the flow, the sync never executes.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!!!