Search found 5 matches

by Merlin123
27 Mar 2017 08:38
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Ringtone/vibration Settings
Replies: 1
Views: 6199

Ringtone/vibration Settings


I still didn't manage to set ringer volume and notification volume to zero and turn vibration on. It's easy to mute the tones, but automagic didn't turn on vibration.
LG G5, Android 7

Any hints?
by Merlin123
10 Mar 2017 21:58
Forum: General
Topic: Vibration is not turned on
Replies: 3
Views: 11630

Re: Vibration is not turned on

Thanks for this hint.
So I need a second workflow to reenable it when I leave the office area, right?
by Merlin123
10 Mar 2017 06:59
Forum: General
Topic: Vibration is not turned on
Replies: 3
Views: 11630

Vibration is not turned on

Hi, just made my first steps with Automagic on my LG G5 (Android 7). I've created a flow that shut set the volume to zero and vibration on when I'm in my office. Now I have two questions: I'm using "periodic location update" (Don't know if this is the correct translation, I'm using the german UI). T...
by Merlin123
09 Mar 2017 21:03
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Logical Operators In Automagic
Replies: 2
Views: 9340

Re: Logical Operators In Automagic

Thanks a lot! I works :)
by Merlin123
09 Mar 2017 09:33
Forum: General
Topic: OR condition and relinking objects
Replies: 2
Views: 9285

OR condition and relinking objects


I have two noob questions:
1. Do you have an example for an OR condition? Idea: Check if I'm at location 1 or 2, if yes do some things
2. While playing around IÄve deleted the line between condition and action (how?). How can I relink these items?
