Search found 94 matches

by jassing
28 Jun 2020 09:09
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Sadly clipboard access is mostly prohibited now. You can test a hack like the one mentioned here: Here's a hack from a different app, not sure if could be applied to automagic (I tried changing the app string part of the command string but automagic clipboard didn't work) Original hack for differen...
by jassing
28 Jun 2020 08:56
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

K9 mail triggern

Not sure if this an EAP version issue, but I cannot get the receive K9 mail trigger to fire.
by jassing
27 Jun 2020 02:03
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Rcv K9 mail
Replies: 1
Views: 7192

Rcv K9 mail

I'm trying to get the K9 mail rcv trigger working, but it never triggers.

Any idea?
by jassing
11 Apr 2020 19:21
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

The problem is originally it was 5 minutes. But it seemed like it slept for longer. So I stopped it; set it to 3 min, 2 min, 1min, 30 seconds, 15, 10, 5, 2, 1

but I'll try that...
by jassing
09 Apr 2020 04:04
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Something wonky... Sleep for 1s sleeps longer.
I exported then imported the flow, and it still seems to hang on sleep.
by jassing
21 Jan 2020 11:55
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Option for 'new' when adding blocks
Replies: 7
Views: 25629

Re: Option for 'new' when adding blocks

I have neither an idea of what you are talking about, nor how it applies to my request.
by jassing
04 Jan 2020 23:42
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Crash with log file
Replies: 2
Views: 9576

Crash with log file

I get a consistent crash when selecting
Menu - => log - => 3 dots - => open log file.

Automagic v1. 37.0
by jassing
04 Jan 2020 23:04
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

@Martin -- I deleted all flows/widgets/vars to start with a clean slate. I enabled the log as requested, but there was absolutely nothing useful in the log after I tried to specify the sd card path in settings... (Not even a mention of the path, not a mention of sd card, no mention of an error) I fo...
by jassing
02 Jan 2020 22:21
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.38.0-dev
Replies: 157
Views: 1697093

Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

@jassing : It can be the permission not set completely. Does your phone have feature such as privacy guard or similar thing? This may block the permission to access the storage. But it can also be the EAP's permission is broken, since it try to support Android 10 scoped storage permission. It worke...
by jassing
01 Jan 2020 15:05
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Option to allow externally modified file
Replies: 3
Views: 16180

Re: Option to allow externally modified file

Still, it would be helpful to not reset all flows. If the response to a request is going to be "that is expected" then all requests are pointless. I'll not make any further requests.