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by EternalLearner
16 Nov 2018 07:51
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Open books on Kindle App
Replies: 6
Views: 22308

Re: Open books on Kindle App

Thank you, Desmanto, I will continue to try various options as you suggest. Pasting the path in from Mixplorer gives me the same result, so I don't think that's the issue. From Mixplorer, if I open a .kfx file using "Open with" and the Kindle app, I do see the Kindle app open but then I get that sam...
by EternalLearner
14 Nov 2018 23:49
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Open books on Kindle App
Replies: 6
Views: 22308

Re: Open books on Kindle App

Hi, Desmanto, thank you for your reply. I want able to try your suggestion until now because of a family tragedy, but I just went and attempted it. The closest I found was this: the current Kindle file format (for Kindle 10) is the .kfx format. There are 3 of these in each folder under .../Android/c...
by EternalLearner
19 Oct 2018 15:08
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Open books on Kindle App
Replies: 6
Views: 22308

Open books on Kindle App

I love Automagic and use it constantly. I would like to be able to have a flow open a specific book in the Kindle app. I have tried many different ways, and I don't think Automagic currently supports this action. I'm hoping the Kindle app provides the necessary means to do so. I believe it does, bec...
by EternalLearner
10 Mar 2018 18:20
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Help working with Twilight app
Replies: 1
Views: 7985

Help working with Twilight app

Hi! I absolutely love Automagic and hope it becomes widely popular. It's so much better than the other alternatives, all of which I've tried. I'm trying to send commands to the app Twilight which is a great blue filtering app. My goal is to us a shortcut (actually a Quick Settings Tile) to toggle be...
by EternalLearner
10 Dec 2017 05:31
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Wm size error: how to get screen size?
Replies: 1
Views: 6394

Wm size error: how to get screen size?

Hello, I have been using Automagic for several weeks, and I love it! What a fantastic project. I am trying to use a set of flows by Bushmills called ChargeBar, and I have run into this problem. Execute command: wm size does not work. The error it gives is: Can't connect to window manager; is the sys...