Search found 22 matches

by regissg
27 Feb 2019 21:22
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: trigger on new google home activity
Replies: 1
Views: 9030

trigger on new google home activity

All google home activities are logged on https// and I was wondering if we could get in realtime a trigger when a new google activity is logged. Even better if we could get the logged voice command in return
by regissg
05 Dec 2018 16:44
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Turn Screen On is not working
Replies: 7
Views: 14917

Turn Screen On is not working

I have a widget showing a full screen clock. I want to show this widget when the tablet is going to standby My flow is as followed: Trigger: Display State Off Action: Turn Screen On Action: Show custom widget Clock The screen does not turn on when the tablet is going to standby even though the flow ...
by regissg
01 Oct 2018 08:33
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.36.0-dev
Replies: 67
Views: 329549

Re: EAP version 1.36.0-dev

The latest version behave ok for me (I see the connectors).

Martin, I am very keen to use 1.36 for real as it brings a lot of new features. When do you expect to publish it on Google Play?
by regissg
11 Sep 2018 15:54
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Send Flows/Widget drops text accent
Replies: 5
Views: 14242

Re: Send Flows/Widget drops text accent

I am using the Send flows/widgets to gmail command from automagic to export them. I believe that I understand the issue. I have tried to edit on my PC the resulting xml file with a text editor before re-importing it. It seems that my text editors (I have tried notepad and wordap) are not opening the...
by regissg
10 Sep 2018 07:36
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Send Flows/Widget drops text accent
Replies: 5
Views: 14242

Re: Send Flows/Widget drops text accent

I am just using standard french characters éèà...

for example when I export a widget with the text "Décrocher" I got "DC)crocher" in the export file
by regissg
06 Sep 2018 09:03
Forum: EAP - Early Access Program
Topic: EAP version 1.36.0-dev
Replies: 67
Views: 329549

Re: EAP version 1.36.0-dev

I have noticed the following bug/issue with HardwareKey Event : When I Import Flows using Hardware Key Event the trigger will not work as long as I do not reboot the device . Is that a known issue? Will it be fixed? If not is there a workaround alternative to the reboot action as my device is not ro...
by regissg
05 Sep 2018 17:43
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Send Flows/Widget drops text accent
Replies: 5
Views: 14242

Send Flows/Widget drops text accent

All my text accents are not properly exported when using Send Flows/Widgets eventhough the export file uses UTF-8 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?> I have noticed the problem using version 1.36.0 but it may exist on previous version. This is problematic for me as I have a lot ...
by regissg
04 Sep 2018 08:56
Forum: General
Topic: Auto Update
Replies: 8
Views: 21764

Re: Auto Update

After a lot of script test and try I finally was able to extract the file name and the file time with the following script:

list=split(files,", ");
by regissg
04 Sep 2018 06:48
Forum: General
Topic: Is there a manual / reference guide or similar?
Replies: 10
Views: 42399

Re: Is there a manual / reference guide or similar?

I love automagic but I have hard time with the scripting language. I have read the help pages on the web and the examples but I am still lacking some basic information may be due to my lack of scripting experience. I was wondering if this scripting language is specific to automagic or if it is based...
by regissg
03 Sep 2018 21:43
Forum: General
Topic: Auto Update
Replies: 8
Views: 21764

Re: Auto Update

Here is the "files" var value i got after the google drive init variable file list action: [/Automagic/exported_data_20180903_173557.xml, file, 73870, 1535993502625] I assume that 1535993502625 is the file modified time. I was wondering if there was an easy way to extract it or if I should do it wit...