Search found 19 matches

by lord_EarlGray
25 Feb 2020 22:29
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to make flow assign its name to global variable?
Replies: 1
Views: 7643

How to make flow assign its name to global variable?

Hi, I'm looking for script method or action, that will give me name of the flow where it was called and assign this name to global variable. To make it clear: flow named "some_flow" executes and assigns its own name to global variable, so another flow can read this value ad execute "some_flowe" once...
by lord_EarlGray
22 Feb 2020 13:06
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Write to file, append new line
Replies: 3
Views: 14785

Re: Write to file, append new line

Rafi4 wrote:
17 Feb 2020 23:05
Simply use below code before or after the text where you wish a new line.
From record4

Code: Select all

That works, thank you!
by lord_EarlGray
17 Feb 2020 21:16
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Write to file, append new line
Replies: 3
Views: 14785

Write to file, append new line

Hi, I'm trying to make automatic time tracker based on locations. I need to write some data to csv file. What I found is, that Write to File action appends current file but it continues last line instead of hoping to new one. How can I change that? I need it to write into new line each time this act...
by lord_EarlGray
29 Jan 2019 18:28
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to iterate over JSON and parse values?
Replies: 3
Views: 11091

Re: How to iterate over JSON and parse values?

Thanks for your reply. I have tried your last solution: js = fromJSON(response); news = newList(); for(i in js["items"]) { pubDate = getDate(i["pubDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd"); if(pubDate > addDays(getDate(), -7)) addElement(news, newList(i["title"], i["link"], i["pubDate"]) ); } and it seems to work fine ...
by lord_EarlGray
26 Jan 2019 22:18
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: How to iterate over JSON and parse values?
Replies: 3
Views: 11091

How to iterate over JSON and parse values?

Hi, I'm working on flow, that will get JSON from news API, find only today's news, and create task bar notification with header of news and link to read full context. Fetching data from API works fine, but I don't know how to iterate ovet this JSON and get only todays objects. API response looks lik...
by lord_EarlGray
26 Jan 2019 16:37
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Multi level folders inside Automagic
Replies: 2
Views: 8964

Multi level folders inside Automagic

Hi, could you please make feature of multi level folders, so we could organise our flows in more efficient way? For example, I would like to have structure like this: LocationFlows / LocationServices / flow1
by lord_EarlGray
26 Jul 2018 15:46
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Strange behavior with ziping file
Replies: 5
Views: 12983

Re: Strange behavior with ziping file

I have deleted all previous archives. Unfortunately newly created archives are fine (no problems with access and unzipping), but files inside are corrupted in 90% I have made lot of tests and only about 10% of .jpg files after unzipping are ok.
by lord_EarlGray
26 Jul 2018 11:50
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Strange behavior with ziping file
Replies: 5
Views: 12983

Re: Strange behavior with ziping file

Thanks for answer! Creating .zip in different directory fixed the problem of this weird matrioshka ;) Still have another problem - after unzipping archives most of the .jpg files are not able to be opened. It says "format not supported".
by lord_EarlGray
25 Jul 2018 16:19
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Strange behavior with ziping file
Replies: 5
Views: 12983

Strange behavior with ziping file

Hello, I want to make flow that will run anytime a .jpg file appears in certain folder. That file needs to be archived in archive with unique name, than this archive needs to be moved to location on google drive and after that both .jpg and archive need to be deleted from mu phone. I have created te...
by lord_EarlGray
25 Jul 2018 15:23
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: My geo location flow stoped working correctly. Strange error
Replies: 1
Views: 6058

My geo location flow stoped working correctly. Strange error

Hi, I have created flow to show mu current geo location on statusbar. It uses http request. All worked fine up today. Now I'm getting error each few runs on statusbar (picture) I don't know what does it mean and how to fix this flow to work correctly all the time. I think that maybe this error is ca...