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by Jos
04 Jul 2019 19:42
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Hide/Show Overlays by variable name
Replies: 2
Views: 12889

Re: Hide/Show Overlays by variable name

Thanks, Pepy!

Martin, please consider this thread as closed and the one, mentioned by Pepy as open.
by Jos
04 Jul 2019 06:26
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Hide/Show Overlays by variable name
Replies: 2
Views: 12889

Hide/Show Overlays by variable name

As far as I can see, the overlay name in "Show/Hide Custom Widget Overlay" actions must be hard-coded. Can you please change it to use variable name, like the Widget Name?
by Jos
04 Jul 2019 06:21
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Issue with flow_name
Replies: 3
Views: 9261

Re: Issue with flow_name

Thanks, Desmanto!
Is there any way to get the current flow name in any place in the flow, no matter which other sub flows were called previously inside this flow?
by Jos
08 Dec 2018 10:38
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Issue with flow_name
Replies: 3
Views: 9261

Issue with flow_name

Hi, I searched for it in the forum, but did not find any report or solution. Flow A logs the value of flow_name, calls flow B and logs the value of flow_name again. Scenario 1: The flow B is called with "wait"=true and "return values"=false. The result is, as expected: "A A". Scenario 2: The flow B ...