Search found 14 matches

by webtrekker
20 Jul 2019 21:36
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Start AM with all flows disabled ...
Replies: 6
Views: 12990

Re: Start AM with all flows disabled ...

To be honest Desmanto I only wanted to sweep the hand around quickly in order to take a screen video of a full 360 degree sweep. I've found a timer value of 5s adequate for this. However, in normal operation, I have the timer set to 6m 12s 500ms which produces a full 360 degree sweep, in 3 degree st...
by webtrekker
20 Jul 2019 08:52
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Start AM with all flows disabled ...
Replies: 6
Views: 12990

Re: Start AM with all flows disabled ...

Thanks for that, it's all good now. The problem was with a timer routine I was using to drive a graphics-intensive Tide Clock widget. The clock shows the current state of the tide at a local port along with a picture of a beach with the tide flowing in and out, synchronised to the clock. The clock h...
by webtrekker
19 Jul 2019 11:25
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Start AM with all flows disabled ...
Replies: 6
Views: 12990

Start AM with all flows disabled ...

Is it possible to start the AM app with all flows set to the disabled/OFF state? I have a flow using a timer that is set to too low a value and is causing AM to crash repeatedly. There's no way I can stop the flow long enough to be able to go into AM and disable it.
by webtrekker
19 Jul 2019 08:19
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: Simple 'Ask Alexa' flow...
Replies: 0
Views: 19266

Simple 'Ask Alexa' flow...

This is just a first, simple attempt at triggering my Amazon Echo Dot using text typed into an Input Dialogue then allowing Automagic to read out the text to Alexa. Usage is straightforward - 1. Make a shortcut to the flow on the Home Page. 2. Tapping the shortcut will bring up an Input Dialogue. En...
by webtrekker
23 Jun 2019 09:43
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Sign Out
Replies: 4
Views: 11204

Re: Sign Out

Maybe try deleting cookies, or even try another browser to see if there's any difference.
by webtrekker
22 Jun 2019 11:01
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Find and Replace for Script and Expression Elements
Replies: 4
Views: 17640

Re: Find and Replace for Script and Expression Elements

Yes, this would be very useful. I now edit most scripts in Notepad++ on my PC, where I can use more powerful features, such as the Find/Replace mentioned to change the name of all instances of a particular variable in the script. Syncing between Notepad++ and my PC is easily done using ClipSync on m...
by webtrekker
22 Jun 2019 10:51
Forum: General
Topic: Editing AM scripts on PC with ClipSync...
Replies: 3
Views: 16222

Editing AM scripts on PC with ClipSync...

I've just installed the free ClipSync app on my Android phone, which connects over wifi to a ClipSync server installed on my PC. I can now Copy/Paste text both ways between Automagic and PC using the Notepad++ editor on my PC (set up to use JavaScript language). Simply highlight the text you want to...
by webtrekker
20 Jun 2019 19:32
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: DST condition
Replies: 6
Views: 13576

Re: DST condition

Thanks for that anuraag. It seems to work fine for me.
by webtrekker
19 Jun 2019 14:01
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Combine Images precise positioning
Replies: 11
Views: 32981

Re: Combine Images precise positioning

Well, what an eye-opener! I can't thank you enough for your help Desmanto. I hadn't realised the depth to which a custom widget could be changed 'on the fly' by script commands. In fact, I've given up on the wallpaper idea and my flow displays the picture in a widget now, which I can resize and plac...
by webtrekker
18 Jun 2019 19:22
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Combine Images precise positioning
Replies: 11
Views: 32981

Re: Combine Images precise positioning

Thank you Desmanto. I will try your suggestion as soon as I get a chance.