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by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 14:27
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

Thanks. That is exactly what I am doing now.

by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 14:17
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

The only app shortcuts that work are the ones that appear in the context menu as pictured in the screenshots above. I know AM can build shortcuts but these are not app shortcuts.

by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 12:59
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

No, from what I have noticed only possible for app shortcuts. That works fine.
by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 02:25
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Websockets
Replies: 2
Views: 11549

Re: Websockets

Bit late to the party here, but I am also using Home Assistant with the REST API. You can do everything with the REST API. For external connections be sure to get an SSL certificate (not self signed if you want notifications). Also you need a "long access token" for your requests. https://developers...
by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 02:11
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

And finally just select a shortcut:
bixby open app selection.jpg
bixby open app selection.jpg (138.6 KiB) Viewed 26296 times
Now Bixby can execute any Tasker Task.

I would like this to be possible for Automagic.
by mathieson
11 Mar 2019 02:09
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

I am including some screenshots to make things a little clearer.

First set up tasker app shortcuts in tasker settings:
tasker settings.jpg
tasker settings.jpg (209.13 KiB) Viewed 26296 times
Then they should be available as app shortcuts:
tasker app shortcuts.jpg
tasker app shortcuts.jpg (416.98 KiB) Viewed 26296 times
After that open up Bixby routines:
bixby routines.jpg
bixby routines.jpg (142.78 KiB) Viewed 26296 times
by mathieson
10 Mar 2019 22:45
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

Martin, Bixby can indeed open apps, and this would work. However I am looking for a way to launch several flows. This is the reason for requesting Automagic have shortcuts. If we were able to create shortcuts (Tasker can assign tasks to the app shortcuts in settings) then we could launch tasks from ...
by mathieson
10 Mar 2019 13:38
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Re: Android App Shortcuts

No, I don't mean launch from Automagic. I mean launch automagic flows from Bixby. For that app shortcuts are needed.
by mathieson
10 Mar 2019 03:48
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Android App Shortcuts
Replies: 15
Views: 41801

Android App Shortcuts

Could we please get app shortcuts for Automatic like so: ... XeRiwg.png

Reason: Bixby can launch shortcuts on any Android app. If this were possible then we could launch any automatic flow directly from Bixby.

Thanks and regards,
by mathieson
20 Jun 2018 05:36
Forum: User Help / Bug Reports
Topic: Galaxy S9 Time trigger
Replies: 1
Views: 6551

Galaxy S9 Time trigger


I have disabled all the power optimization for Automatic (app is unmonitored and not optimized) but seems like time triggers do not work. Periodic timers do work however. Any idea as to what might be happening?
