Search found 11 matches

by Brounoh
09 Jan 2015 20:24
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Home Automation with Bluetooth Device
Replies: 7
Views: 24450

Re: Home Automation with Bluetooth Device

Great to hear.

Many thanks Martin. Appreciate :)
Looking forward to it.


by Brounoh
08 Jan 2015 22:04
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Home Automation with Bluetooth Device
Replies: 7
Views: 24450

Home Automation with Bluetooth Device

Hi Martin, After many attempts to find a smart way to do the below with WIFI or GEOLOCATION, I recently thought that Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) would be the best way to go: When I enter my home, therefore get in range of a Bluetooth device OR connect to a Bluetooth device, I want to switch off 3G/4G, switc...
by Brounoh
14 Aug 2014 10:18
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: Reboot phone [root needed] when charging
Replies: 0
Views: 6513

Reboot phone [root needed] when charging

I have been playing around with auto reboot to make sure my phone would be snappier every 24/36hrs. After many tests and a scary reboot loop (!!), I came up with this flow: when battery is passing >75% while charging, it reboots [root needed]. This way, it does not reboot while I am using it (I let ...
by Brounoh
14 Aug 2014 10:12
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: Wifi Enabling
Replies: 1
Views: 9588

Wifi Enabling

This is a flow that, when wifi is being enabled, checks if it can connect to the internet over wifi; if it does, it then switches off data.

There is a 60 sec sleep allowing the user enough time to input any Wifi hotspot login details before the flow checks if it has access to internet.

Hope it helps
by Brounoh
14 Aug 2014 09:58
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: iPhone's Do Not Disturb
Replies: 4
Views: 16817

Re: iPhone's Do Not Disturb

Alright, I just tested it. Works great. Great job. As I am travelling often to different timezones, I will clearly not put my girlfriend in the Nightcalls list as she calls whenever she wants without caring for my zonetime, therefore my sleep ;) [update] actually I inserted a Time Range condition at...
by Brounoh
12 Aug 2014 17:04
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: iPhone's Do Not Disturb
Replies: 4
Views: 16817

Re: iPhone's Do Not Disturb

Ok thanks :) Will test it tonight!
by Brounoh
10 Aug 2014 21:45
Forum: Flow Sharing Area
Topic: iPhone's Do Not Disturb
Replies: 4
Views: 16817

Re: iPhone's Do Not Disturb

The most left action seems to receive booth true & false conditions on the same link. Can this be checked please? I like the idea behind this flow
by Brounoh
02 Aug 2014 15:46
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Check Internet access on Network Connection
Replies: 3
Views: 11327

Re: Check Internet access on Network Connection

Martin, your suggestion Host Reachable works greatly. I am pinging (I want something NOT Google, Yahoo... that some hotspots might let throught for emails etc... livescore is light so it always loads up very quickly - any suggestion of something lighter and quicker, I am a t...
by Brounoh
02 Aug 2014 14:44
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Check Internet access on Network Connection
Replies: 3
Views: 11327

Re: Check Internet access on Network Connection

Hi, There's a condition Host Reachable to check if a particular host can be contacted. The socket option with port 80 might work in your scenario. Ping is not supported on all devices or could fail when a server does not respond to ICMP requests. As a last resort when the above action should fail, ...
by Brounoh
01 Aug 2014 14:39
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Check Internet access on Network Connection
Replies: 3
Views: 11327

Check Internet access on Network Connection

Hi, as I travel a lot I use to connect to many friend's/hotel/workplace Wifi networks. All these have straight password, so I access everything directly as I have the related passwords. For hotspot such as starbuck, ISP hotspots... to which I have connected once to their network (therefore saved in ...