The file containing all flows is stored on the sdcard/external memory:
/storage/emulated/0/Automagic/flows.xml (the exact location of the sdcard varies from device to device)
You can use a regular action Copy File to copy the file to another location or use an action Mail with Gmail to send the file as an attachment to your mail account or directly upload the flows to Dropbox using an action Dropbox Upload Files.
An example flow for a weekly backup is available under menu --> Catalog and section Backup.
You can also use an action Export Flows to export some specific flows by name to a file.
You can also backup all flows/widgets by creating a copy or a zip-file of the complete Automagic folder: /storage/emulated/0/Automagic/ (the exact location of the sdcard varies from device to device).
How can I backup my flows
Moderator: Martin