UPDATE: The flow is updated to make it easy to ADD your own events and dates. Change wallpaper on your events! Import the updated flow below.
Change automatically the wallpaper on holidays. On the holiday date, the wallpaper is changed to the image chosen for it; after the holiday, the wallpaper is set back to the default.
For example, in the U.S.A, the wallpaper changes to "Independence Day" on the 4th of July, then reverts to the default the next day. Change the wallpaper on Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc...
Do the same for the holidays in your country.
How it works :
The flow looks up the holidays on Google Calendar when it is triggered by 1) a shortcut (manual execution) or 2) Global Variable Date/Time on December 29 (automatic execution).
The flow then creates calendar events of the holidays for a one-year cycle, starting from the trigger date/time.
For each holiday, the flow creates calendar events for the next day to remove and change back to default.
The wallpaper is scheduled to change at 8:00 AM on the day, and to be removed at 7:58 AM the next day.
How to use it :
Setup :
1) In Google Calendar, turn on the "Holidays" setting for your country.
2) Choose a path to store your holiday images, for example, /storage/whatever/pictures/Holidays/ .
3) In the path folder, put the images of the holiday you want to change, AND rename it to the holiday name EXACTLY as it appears on the calendar. For example, on the calendar, the holiday name is "Independence Day", so rename your image to "Independence Day.jpg".
4) No need to have images for all holidays, just only the holidays you want (the flow will display a list of the holidays for which there are no images).
Execution :
1) Tap on the "Holiday Wallpaper" SHORTCUT one time or as often as you want to set up the holidays for one year, starting from the moment you tap.
2) Automatic execution on December 29 with the Global Variable Date/Time trigger for one-year worth of holidays, then the trigger sends a reminder notification to reset itself for NEXT year.
Requirements and Customization :
- Required: Google Calendar with Holidays.
- In the triggers, "Set Wallpaper" and "Remove Wallpaper", change the calendar account to your account.
- In the "Query Content Provider" action where it says "calendar_id=3", change the calendar_id to your holiday calendar. On my phone, it's "3", but it can be 4 or 5 depending on your setup (just change, test and see its output).
- In the script where it says "mywallpaper=.../storage/.../pictures/Holidays/", change it to your holiday image path.
- In all "Create Calendar Event" actions, change the account to your account.
- In the "Set Wallpaper" actions, where the image path is "/storage/.../Pictures/", change the path to your DEFAULT image.
The Flow :
http://automagic4android.com/flow.php?i ... d5706e29f7
Change Wallpapaper on Holidays
Moderator: Martin