First post here so bear with me!

I've been using AutoMagic for a couple of months. I had previously been a Llama user for about 4 years. I'm really enjoying AutoMagic!
I've looked into the handful of posts about dealing with the High Volume Warning that we get with headphones, bluetooth, etc. and have happened across a very specific method that doesn't appear to be fully described here. The idea has been presented, but it seems the details have not been posted that I can find.
I have tried some of the previous ideas within my car flow with varying success (sometimes it would work, other times it didn't), but it didn't account for other situations. This new flow seems to work nicely for me. You might not have the same luck as I have with it. I'm running it on an unrooted Samsung Galaxy S4 with v5.01.
This might be obvious to many of you, but for new people like me, it wasn't.

Hopefully, this flow will help someone.

[Edited to add:] I found that I did not need a delay of any sort for the "click("OK")" portion.
Good luck! Sorry for the huge images!! I hope they are smaller when posted!