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"Calendar Event - Begin":
When a calendar event starts (you can configure the trigger to filter on different calendars and other criteria) -- set ringer mode to vibrate, and put an ongoing notification in the status bar.
"Calendar Event - End":
1 minute before the calendar event ends, set ringer mode to normal, and remove the ongoing notification.
"Cancel Meeting Mode":
If the ongoing notification in the curtain is tapped, execute the "Calendar Event - End" flow.
Calendar/Meeting - Silent (vibrate)
Moderator: Martin
Re: Calendar/Meeting - Silent (vibrate)
A suggestion: When a meeting starts, check the current ringer mode, and only set it to vibrate if it is currently set to normal. You usually don't want to go from silent to vibrate. Similarly, at the end of a meeting, only set the ringer to normal if it was set to normal before.
Re: Calendar/Meeting - Silent (vibrate)
Thanks, Martin. Good suggestion.
Re: Calendar/Meeting - Silent (vibrate)
Is it possible to query a calendar to get the nearest event? Probably in some Action rather then in Trigger.