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Moderator: Martin
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 08 Feb 2014 10:52
by henkster » 30 Mar 2014 18:30
Wow! Nice work! Allthough..I use google keep to exchange text between android and pc...
Still... good work!
- Posts: 129
- Joined: 05 May 2014 12:45
by BoBo » 31 May 2014 16:38
Hallo bichlepa,
would you mind to explain with a few sentences how clipboard exchanger exactly works?
Thx for your effort.
Die grundsätzliche Funktionsweise wäre interessant.
Das AHK-Script habe ich reviewed (bin aber auf Linux, deshalb bei mir nicht lauffähig). Danke

- Posts: 148
- Joined: 04 Mar 2014 18:29
- Location: Germany
by bichlepa » 31 May 2014 17:29
How it works:
The computer program (an AutoHotkey script) opens a GUI and waits for user input.
When the user clicks on "Recieve" it sends a HTTP request to the address the user has entered ("HTTP://" will be inserted if user did not enter this) and waits for an answer.
If it recieved something it puts it into the clipboard, otherwise an error message will pop up.
When user clicks on "Send" it firstly converts the clipboard content into URI format. Then it sends a HTTP request and parses a paremeter "clipboard" by the get-methode that contains the clipboard content.
(for example: HTTP://
It waits for an answer that should contain "success", otherwise an error message will pop up.
The AM flow waits for a HTTP Request.
After the HTTP Request was sent, it checks whether there is an "clipboard" parameter.
If so, it puts the parameter content into the clipboard and responses with the text "success".
If not, it responses with the clipboard content.
Willst du ein ähnliches Programm für Linux schreiben? Wenn du es hingekriegst, dann poste es hier, ich nehme es dann in die Beschreibung mit auf.
- Posts: 148
- Joined: 04 Mar 2014 18:29
- Location: Germany
by bichlepa » 31 May 2014 18:45
I just got an idea how to expand the functionality with an additional flow with the trigger "HTTP request".
If you open (the IP address probably should be modified) a input form is shown where you can either type in what you want to send or recieve the content of the clipboard.
It's not very beautiful, so i'd appreciate it if someone will redesign it. The code for the html page can be found in the flow.
In order to work properly with Unicode characters you will need to update the main Clipboard Exchange flow.
You can find the download links on the first post.
- Posts: 148
- Joined: 04 Mar 2014 18:29
- Location: Germany
by bichlepa » 17 Jul 2014 17:25
I've fixed a bug today.