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Posted: 29 Apr 2013 14:27
by Martin
The multiclipboard flows require Automagic 1.17 and Android 3+ to listen for changes on the system clipboard.

Following two flows build a very simple multiclipboard with up to 5 different texts on the clipboard. The values on the clipboard can be accessed using a statusbar notification (labels icon). ... 80a620dd94
Enable both flows after importing and copy some texts with the regular Android copy command to populate the clipboard.

You can find the two flows in the group Multiclipboard after importing:
Flow 1) Multiclipboard Watcher: Listens for changes on the regular system clipboard and copies a new text into a global variable called global_multiclipboard. The script in this flow ensures that the list of multiclipboard texts does not grow too large (max 5 values) and contains each text only once.

Flow 2) Multiclipboard Dialog: Uses a trigger to show a notification in the statusbar that displays the texts currently on the multiclipboard using an action Input Dialog. The selected text in the dialog is copied to the regular system clipboard when the dialog is closed using the OK button.


Edit 2016-07-22: Small change to keep the max size of the list consistently at 5

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 21:21
by bobchernow
Nice little utility. Thanks.

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 16 May 2013 14:02
by alpha
Great job. Feels like I am using a separate app.

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 15:58
by wagawaga
I love it, many thanks!

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 19:17
by stonenatoribus
hi i using this flow quite intensive. for making it perfect i tried to add a input request to your dialog-flow to ask for an input that must be identical to a value to proceed opening otherwise close dialog
that would be a considerable safety measure for me to store passwords in there. can you help me with that? :?:

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 22 Jan 2014 18:43
by colabi
Multiclipboard flow stop working with last EAP version 1.21.0-dev

Multiclipboard dialog flow > > Action: Input Dialog: ...Single Choice {global_multi...
don't write {clip_data} to {value} used in next actions

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 22 Jan 2014 21:29
by Martin
This is caused by a bug in the current EAP version. This should be fixed in the next EAP-build (probably available on Friday).

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 02 May 2016 05:08
by Adib
Dammit Martin, you're a genius!

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 21 Jul 2016 21:22
by Jkutkut
In my case works perfectly. Great job!!! I add a new item in the notification bar that clear the variable items.
If somebody wants it: ... a560e443f5

Re: Multiclipboard

Posted: 25 Jul 2016 06:10
by Bushmills
Small extension to Martin's flows, which adds two buttons to the (expanded) notification:
"Clips" reads clips from a file and offers those for selection.
"Edit" appends current contents of paste buffer to that file.
To remove entries, use a text editor (or delete clip file).
Flow already contains the latest fix ("consistent entry count") ... 25bdc0c263