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Speak notifications
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 20:43
by addicuss
This is for Gmail, Voice, facebook messenger, and google talk. The idea is to use it in conjunction with other flows. My specific usage is to have a flow that detects whether I'm connected to a specific bluetooth device (for example my car) and then toggle this flow on.
Re: Speak notifications
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 06:04
by Trackingtom
Does this require to download a specific TTS app. I.e. IVONA or something?
Enabling the Samsung G3 TTS in accesibility, TalkBack, is painfull....
Re: Speak notifications
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 16:37
by addicuss
im on a gnex . it complained about not having tts but it works anyway. not sure what results youll get.