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Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 01:27
by setaur
This is simple, yet useful flow for locking the screen, when in pocket or on desk. When you turn the phone upside down, or face down the proximeter will check if the phone is inside your pocket or lying on desk. ... c5c479d61e
Re: Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 12:27
I refined a little bit your flows and also added an exception line to remove the error message that proximity sensor causes on some phones.
Other than that, the functionality it's exactly the same. ... af18cf7aae
Re: Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 13:13
by setaur
Thanks, it looks better. I've used automagic for only 3 days now, so i'm grateful for any tips
As to error message i didn't get it on my sgs2,so i haven't thought of fixing it.
Re: Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 13:42
by pat2net
Thanks for the flow, i will keep it.
Re: Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 10 Apr 2014 17:27
by johntolen
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3. Apparently the 'proximity' sensor is just a light sensor at the top. So, even when I place the phone face-down on my desk, it might as well be in my pocket - it locks. I was trying to figure out a way to make the phone silent when I place it face down on a table (like night stand or desk), but not while it is in my pocket. My first attempt would trigger silent if the phone is in my pants pocket and I sit down. I don't want that; only if it's face down and not in my pocket. Suggestions? The S3 has a motion trigger built-in to pause music and mute phone conversation if you place it face down, but it does not turn off the ringer.
Re: Lock screen when in pocket
Posted: 30 Jul 2014 01:26
by zaini47
Thanks, I need this