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Pebble Flows

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 06:28
by mathieson

In case anyone is interested: I have made a small app for the Pebble smart watch that broadcasts intents. These you can use as triggers in Automagic flows. The app is free so no promises on new features but, as it stands, it does work very well with Automagic. If you guys find any bugs please let me know. Link below. ... bbleremote

Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 19:31
by mathieson
Here are a couple of flows I use with the app. One will disable the keyguard and perform a voice search, the other will enable the keyguard once the screen turns off again.

Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 22:19
by ZSasha
mathieson wrote:Hello,

In case anyone is interested: I have made a small app for the Pebble smart watch that broadcasts intents. These you can use as triggers in Automagic flows. The app is free so no promises on new features but, as it stands, it does work very well with Automagic. If you guys find any bugs please let me know. Link below. ... bbleremote
Hi mathieson,

this is a nice little app and I like it!
However it would be good to make your app a bit more complex - like make it not only send three notifications to Automagic/Tasker/whatever but also receive something back.
So Automagic could change button's label dynamically and may be even make a variable to be a part of those names?
Other idea is to make few submenu - when pressing a button does not generate a intents but goes one menu "deeper" where two/tree new (different!) intents would be send to Pebble.


Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 11:44
by AdaLena147
A suggestion: When a meeting starts, check the current ringer mode, and only set it to vibrate if it is currently set to normal. You usually don't want to go from silent to vibrate. Similarly, at the end of a meeting, only set the ringer to normal if it was set to normal before.

Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 14:33
by Martin!
AdaLena147 wrote:A suggestion: When a meeting starts, check the current ringer mode, and only set it to vibrate if it is currently set to normal. You usually don't want to go from silent to vibrate. Similarly, at the end of a meeting, only set the ringer to normal if it was set to normal before.
Interesting choice of words! :D I couldn't have said it better myself. ;)

Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 13 Jan 2019 14:36
by LH123
Hello Mathieson,

I'm very interested in your app enabling starting Automagic Flows from Pebble. Unfortunately the App seems to be not listed anymore in PlayStore. Could you provide me the APK, please?

Regards from Germany,


Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 13 Jan 2019 20:46
by LH123
Hello Mathieson,

I've found the apk on apkmirror. After switching from Pebble to Rebble AppStore, I was happy to found your Pebble Remote Ready for Installation. But there is no support for Pebble Round :( Is there a way to get this work?



Re: Pebble Flows

Posted: 19 May 2019 22:39
by ziotempa
Hi, I cannot find pebble remote on apk mirror... I'd really like to interact with pebble and automagic. It's there any way to get it?