Expanded Clipboard and Clipnote
Posted: 02 Apr 2014 07:43
http://automagic4android.com/flow.php?i ... 9f6e9212a5
What it is:
This comes with two tools, first it saves your clipboard text to show the 5 most recent clippings and offers an interface to recopy them to clipboard
The second is a little utility to take notes using your clipboard. When you select a text and copy it, you can trigger a flow that will save the text in one of a variety of ways (discussed later in the options section) and add optional notes on the clipping
There is also a tool to send those lists to dropbox, google drive, or as an email attachment, either on a regular basis or in real time.
Clipnote Take Note - Saves the content of the clipboard via one of several methods
Clipnote Upload Lists - Uploads text file lists to a specified backup service
Expanded Clipboard - Stores the 5 most recent clipboards clippings to global variables
Expanded Clipboard Recall - calls up a single choice list of your recent clippings and on selection, copies that text too the clipboard
Global Variables
global_cliplists - list of all the files in the chosen directory for storing notes
global_list - the name of the selected list in the dialogue for sorting each clip
global_clip - the most recent clipping
global_j - the state of the voice output - 0 being On and 1 being Off
global_clip_mostrecent - the last used of the 5 cycling slots,
global_clip_recent1 - 5 - your 5 stored recent clippings
Triggers for saving the clipping to a list
I use the proximity sensor on my galaxy nexus and it works well, being both simple, reliable, and totally non invasive on the screen, but depending on your specific device you may have to choose another, it is by default set to confirmation dialogue
Proximity Sensor
Light Sensor
Confirmation Box
Ways to store notes
Locally as individual text files on the device
You will have to create and enter a file path to store the lists in the clipnote take note flow, and again in the backup flow for your chosen backup method.
Send as an email
You can format the email as you see fit in the flow, by default it is with the list name in the subject line, followed by the trigger time and the clipping and notes in the body
Ways to Upload notes
To Google drive
To Dropbox
As an email attachment
Speech Output
The default speech output is minimal, but descriptive and can be easily customized, if you do not want to use it at all, set the global variable global_j to 1 and leave it that way
Plans for the future
I plan to work on the following little improvements to the tool in the future
Rewrite flow for saving clippings so that in the recall interface, they appear in order of storage, currently the new clipping replaces the oldest, taking its position
Add a widget popup in the corner of the screen to trigger saving the clipping for devices without proximity sensors
Add ability to send the files as text in an email in addition to as attachments in the backup flow
http://automagic4android.com/flow.php?i ... 9f6e9212a5
What it is:
This comes with two tools, first it saves your clipboard text to show the 5 most recent clippings and offers an interface to recopy them to clipboard
The second is a little utility to take notes using your clipboard. When you select a text and copy it, you can trigger a flow that will save the text in one of a variety of ways (discussed later in the options section) and add optional notes on the clipping
There is also a tool to send those lists to dropbox, google drive, or as an email attachment, either on a regular basis or in real time.
Clipnote Take Note - Saves the content of the clipboard via one of several methods
Clipnote Upload Lists - Uploads text file lists to a specified backup service
Expanded Clipboard - Stores the 5 most recent clipboards clippings to global variables
Expanded Clipboard Recall - calls up a single choice list of your recent clippings and on selection, copies that text too the clipboard
Global Variables
global_cliplists - list of all the files in the chosen directory for storing notes
global_list - the name of the selected list in the dialogue for sorting each clip
global_clip - the most recent clipping
global_j - the state of the voice output - 0 being On and 1 being Off
global_clip_mostrecent - the last used of the 5 cycling slots,
global_clip_recent1 - 5 - your 5 stored recent clippings
Triggers for saving the clipping to a list
I use the proximity sensor on my galaxy nexus and it works well, being both simple, reliable, and totally non invasive on the screen, but depending on your specific device you may have to choose another, it is by default set to confirmation dialogue
Proximity Sensor
Light Sensor
Confirmation Box
Ways to store notes
Locally as individual text files on the device
You will have to create and enter a file path to store the lists in the clipnote take note flow, and again in the backup flow for your chosen backup method.
Send as an email
You can format the email as you see fit in the flow, by default it is with the list name in the subject line, followed by the trigger time and the clipping and notes in the body
Ways to Upload notes
To Google drive
To Dropbox
As an email attachment
Speech Output
The default speech output is minimal, but descriptive and can be easily customized, if you do not want to use it at all, set the global variable global_j to 1 and leave it that way
Plans for the future
I plan to work on the following little improvements to the tool in the future
Rewrite flow for saving clippings so that in the recall interface, they appear in order of storage, currently the new clipping replaces the oldest, taking its position
Add a widget popup in the corner of the screen to trigger saving the clipping for devices without proximity sensors
Add ability to send the files as text in an email in addition to as attachments in the backup flow