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[Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 22:28
by giovag7
Version 1.1
Audio profiles manager.jpg
Audio profiles manager.jpg (112.34 KiB) Viewed 54508 times
Seven profiles presets (img3)
Permanent icon in status bar that indicate current profile (img1)
Launch User Interface by click on status bar message (img2-3)
Status bar message show current profile and if vibration is active or not (img2)
After a profile is selected an input dialog let to Apply or Edit it (img4)
A sequence of input dialogs let to edit all audio channel levels for each profile and even vibration (img5-6)
Levels Input dialog show current profile, audio channel, current level and maximum level for each channel (img5)
On phone boot last preset is automatically applied
Easy to interface with other flows (ie. to apply desired profile on specific event): simply add an action that execute desired profile flow
No battery drain: all the flows doesn't runs in background

Instructions: download and open in Automagic; activate ALL the flows in the group. Only first time execute flow "Audio Profiles UI" and take the time to edit all profiles volumes through the input dialogs. They will be permanently stored. Afterwards to select a profile click on status bar message; profiles dialog will open.

Modified titles of input dialogs to specify which is ring volume in phones that have not system volume channel: TW mean phones with separate system audio channel
AOSP mean phones without separate system audio channel.
In phones without separate system audio channel this volume setting has no effect. ... 67efb6a66d
Solved wrong notification when a profile is launched by external flows.
Added LOCK PROFILE feature to lock profiles for external flows launch. ... 69a060500d
DOWNLOAD V1.0 ... 55e4ef337c

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 11 Aug 2014 04:29
by cimbrum
Great job! Thanks for sharing!

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 06:50
by giovag7
Updated version. Please download V1.1

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 11:37
by steelersmb
I haven't installed this yet but I am wondering if there is a way to automatically set a profile. For instance, when I get to work, now I have the phone automatically set the phone to vibrate based upon location. I am wondering if I can just have it set the profile in your flow instead.

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 14:12
by giovag7
Yes, you can. Every profile is a flow: simply execute the flow related to profile you want by your location based flow.

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 21:25
by giovag7
Update to version 1.2. Please see first post.

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 29 May 2015 21:04
by eTaurus
Well done! One step further in replacing Llama (which I quite like).

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 22 Nov 2015 21:50
by Koelle
Thanks a bunch for this. It convinced me to buy automagic and switch over all my stuff from Llama.

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 22 Nov 2015 22:21
by giovag7

Re: [Useful] [Complete] [Simple] Audio profiles manager

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 17:53
by Linuxmel
Great job! What does the lock in each profile do? When you set one you have the option to set and lock. Thanks!