WiFi Modul (Package of flows) V1.1
Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:11
I made a small package of flows to control the WiFi. The Package includes a widget, a few flows and am init flow. Before you test if it works for you need to the "Init WLAN"-flow, it initialize the vars global_low, global_set_wlan and global_lock_wlan.
By clicking it you get control of your WiFi (Indicator of the widget will be red), by clicking it again Automagic gets the control (Indicator will be green).
All you have to do is everywhere you want to switch on (or off) the WiFi in Automagic you don't use the action itself, you use the "script"-action and set the var global_set_wlan to 1 (and to 0 for off)
Just run the init flow first.
http://automagic4android.com/flow.php?i ... 237af50df4
By clicking it you get control of your WiFi (Indicator of the widget will be red), by clicking it again Automagic gets the control (Indicator will be green).
All you have to do is everywhere you want to switch on (or off) the WiFi in Automagic you don't use the action itself, you use the "script"-action and set the var global_set_wlan to 1 (and to 0 for off)
Just run the init flow first.
http://automagic4android.com/flow.php?i ... 237af50df4