Library Book Checkout

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Library Book Checkout

Post by geekeedee » 06 Nov 2016 19:46

UPDATE: See the OCR version at ... f=3&t=6321

I borrow books at school and public libraries, and then forget to return them. After checking out the books, I don't set a reminder because it is too long and tedious to type in manually the information.

This simple flow shortcut checks out books and creates automatically due dates on the calendar.

The flow automates the checkout and reminders with just one or two taps:
- Take pictures of the books.
- Record the GPS location of the library.
- Create a calendar event for the DUE DATE with picture file, location and lots of REMINDERS.

Customization notes:
- Customize the calendar in the 'Create Calendar Event'.
- Change the due dates in the 'Input Dialog' according to your library policy. ... e962fd7eb1
Screenshot_LibraryCheckout.png (186.02 KiB) Viewed 8834 times

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