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Home mode for security, Battery saver and Auto USB File mode

Posted: 23 Nov 2016 01:53
by gracefool ... 2190532502

Particularly designed for those who keep location services off to stop Google tracking their every move. Improve privacy & security by turning things off when you don't need them, according to whether you're out or at home, and whether battery saver is on: location services & GPS, ADB, WiFi, mobile data, sync, screen timeout, auto USB File Transfer mode (for later versions of Android).

This consists of 7 connected flows. Note that you can use any of them without the others (although using Home mode notification without Home mode toggle wouldn't make much sense).

Home mode toggle: The main flow, without it the others will work but you won't be able to change modes, so you'll probably want to keep it on. Read it and customise for your individual needs. Press the shortcut when you leave, press it again when you arrive. Alternatively you could add an NFC tag trigger or just use the notification or WiFi flows:

Home mode disable by WiFi: Not recommended for people with unreliable home WiFi. Enter the name of your home WiFi (SSID) before enabling.

Home mode enable by WiFi: Not recommended for the paranoid - triggering by wireless connection is a security risk since anyone could setup a network with the same name. Note that having your home network name hidden doesn't protect you (see ... SID_hiding). Enter the name of your home WiFi (SSID) before enabling.

Home mode notification: Displays a persistent notification so you're aware of what mode you're in. Touch to toggle mode (instead of using a shortcut). Also has buttons for setting screen timeout - the options vary according to home mode and battery saver mode (shorter when out and battery saving).

Battery saver plus: Extra savings by disabling sync, NFC and Bluetooth when in battery saver mode. Also reduces screen timeout, enables ForceDoze if you have it installed, and turns off unnecessary apps like Powerline (add your own apps like step counters etc). Then everything is reversed when battery saver ends.

Auto USB File Transfer mode at home: When you connect to data USB, change to File Transfer mode (using Automagic accessibility service). Note that Android no longer does this automatically because data USB is broken from a security perspective: any malware on the connected device potentially has complete control of your device. Thus this is set to only work when you're in home mode, around USB devices you can - presumably - trust. You may need to increase the Control UI delay on slower devices.

Sleep tracking: Improved version of my Sleep as Android flow for integration with battery saver and Home mode.

I've also included here the very simple flow Toggle ADB. It's unconnected to the other flows but if you use ADB you'll find it convenient since by default Home mode toggle disables ADB when you go out.

P.S. I recommend the app OsmAnd as great private, offline alternative to Google maps.

[UPDATE v1.1: Notification "ADB disabled" now only displayed if ADB was actually enabled.]