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Do not disturb mode with time control

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 22:20
by dip
On my old Sony Xperia Z3 Compact I used the “do not disturb” feature a lot. In particular I used the feature to automatically switch off the do not disturb mode after a predetermined time or with the next ringing alarm. What a disappointment when I found that on my new Samsung Galaxy S7 the do not disturb mode can only be switched on or off. No time control, no switch off with the next alarm. That’s why I wrote this flow (in fact these are five flows which work together). With this flow a pop-up window shows up when you select Automagic’s tile1 in the notification area (as a replacement for the standard do not disturb tile). You can than select from do not disturb “forever” (means until manual deactivation), for 15 minutes, for 30 minutes, for 1 hour or for two hours. If you have an active alarm there is in addition the option “until the next alarm”.

As mentioned the mode is switched on/off using Automagic’s tile1, so you must of course configure your notification area to show this tile.

Further, you must enable the option “Access to notifications” in Automagic's settings.

The flow even detects if you switch on or off the do not disturb mode using Android's regular methods (the regular do not disturb tile or the option in the Android's system settings) and changes the status of the flow’s tile symbol accordingly. The flow’s tile symbol is the star which is either filled or not filled depending on the status.

Unfortunately some of the used actions are for Android 6+ only so it works only on devices having Android 6 or newer.

The text in the pop-up window and in the tile is either in English or in German depending on your system language. The code for detecting the system language origins from the flow “Turning VPNs on/off without hassle” posted by gyst in the flow sharing area. You can add further languages by simply editing action "DoNotDisturb: Set Language” in the flow “Initialisierung”.

After installation you will have the following additional flows:

“Initialisierung” (Initialization) You have to activate and run this flow once. Or simply activate it and restart Automagic since this flow will automatically run with the start of Automagic.
“Bitte nicht stören” (Please do not disturb) This is the main flow
“Symbol an” (Symbol on) Turns the tile symbol on
“Symbol aus” (Symbol off) Turns the tile symbol off
“Wecker” (Alarm) Is triggered by the next alarm and turns the do not disturb mode off

You have to activate all of these flows except the flow “Wecker”. This flow is automatically activated/deactivated by the main flow when it is necessary.

I hope somebody will find this flow as useful as I do. You can download it here: ... 9e5ef89651

Re: Do not disturb mode with time control

Posted: 11 Aug 2018 14:48
by Lyratorg
I use this all the time! The only adjustment I made was to remove the option to wait for the next alarm (I rarely use my phone for alarms). Instead I added a 3-hour option. Thanks for this flow!

Re: Do not disturb mode with time control

Posted: 13 Aug 2018 22:22
by dip
Glad to hear that somebody finds this flow useful :-)

Re: Do not disturb mode with time control

Posted: 22 Aug 2018 10:31
by chel_park
Thanks for the update :) I'll surely check this out