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Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 25 Jan 2019 22:34
by PretorianJ
Hey All.
I created a flow for a WOL function and works great. powers on the pc perfectly.
I created also a flow chart for shutdown but it says i need root access to be able to use this command.
I don't want to root my phone. Any other way to send a shut down package to the pc ? Or a bypass to send a shutdown command?
Thank you in advance
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 26 Jan 2019 04:10
by Desmanto
The action Shutdown is to turn off the phone, not the PC.
To shutdown the PC, you have to use the mixture of Eventghost and Automagic action HTTP request. Need some configuration to make it work.
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 26 Jan 2019 08:57
by PretorianJ
Oh thank you very much.
Is there any tutorial how to setup EventGhost to the pc to work with Automagic?
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 26 Jan 2019 17:12
by Desmanto
There is tutorial about using eventghost + autoremote + tasker, but it is quite different, since you need the auto remote in between. My eventghost webserver simply use the webserver, without the need of autoremote anymore (or tasker). I can't just simply share the flow/config without any explanation, it can harm your PC if you misconfigure it.
The big picture of the process is
1. install eventghost and add the webserver plugin. Configure the webserver to listen to certain port.
2. Add the HTTP event with the proper suffix to trigger the action system reboot
3. Create flow in automagic to use action HTTP request and use the link + the event suffix, sent to the PC IP.
I use this to send clipboard back-thru from PC to phone and vice versa. It can send/receive files and mirroring too. Quite complex to explain in the thread, never finished the typing.
BTW, this thread should be in the user help section. You can try the eventghost first, tinker around until you got stucked. And you can ask here again. I will try to help as far as I can.
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 27 Jan 2019 00:59
by tphg
This program sounds interesting. Thanks @ Desmanto.
I will also try discovering it.
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 08 Feb 2019 14:04
by codeassault
To be able to turn off a PC in the local network, I have installed an SSH server (freeSSHd) in each computer. And through the "Execute SSH Command" action I sent the command "shutdown /p".
Re: Shutdown the pc via Voice Command from Google Assistant
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 14:24
by xdauser
You may check out IFTTT.