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Sharing of Flows

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 17:55
by steelersmb
I was just wondering why there aren't more flows that people share. If you look at Tasker or Automate, there are a ton of flows that are available for download. Automagic is the better of both of these programs so I'm just wondering why more people don't contribute.

Re: Sharing of Flows

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 18:59
by Desmanto
There are actually maybe hundreds of flows here. I have shared several generic ones here too. You can find some interesting ones in my index. (I haven't updated it yet for a long time).

However, since many of the flows are usage specific, you won't find many flows that you interested to, At first I also try a lot of flows here. In the end, I just use some of the concept, develeop my own standard practice and typically design flows only for my very own specific usage. See some of my usages here : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8407#p26368

That's why I rarely share my flow, others might thought of the same. Since even if I shared it, there are pratically no other user can benefit from it. I would rather show you how to do/create your own, so you can benefit from your experience directly. But for general purpose ones, I might share it with the full description how to use it. Check out some of my example of flow sharing in the index.

I plan to share my Yeelight Control flow if I have finished the routine set part. That can help others to build color flow for their yeelight. I am also creating flow for my sonoff Tasmota, which I think popular enough to be share-worthy.

On the other thought, Tasker has 1 Million+ install, while Automagic only has 10,000+, so number speaks. It is just somehow that Automagic is not as popular as tasker, so underrated. If we can have the same 1 Million+ installs, maybe there will be ten thousands of flows here.

Re: Sharing of Flows

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 19:39
by Micky Micky
I second Desmanto's point of view.

I have 200+ flows that are very specific. Maybe that's Automagic's strength.

Re: Sharing of Flows

Posted: 16 Dec 2019 00:43
by Bluscre
Same here, but for some that might be of use i just can't be bothered because most of my flows depend on other flows like the API one idk

Also if im gonna release a flow i want to make sure it is not language dependend, properly documented, doesnt contain major bugs etc etc