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Faster creating new blocks simple version

Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:02
by Hit
Now Fast as Flash
Creating flows become much more comfortable

For Better Creating new Block
:D Today I share a flow.
With purpose to help everybody directly create a New block instead of select from Old block.

So when you select to create example an Action block, the window Select an Action appear for you to select from an old block.
This flow help you skip it straight to The Tags window
IMG_20200416_094039.jpg (40.44 KiB) Viewed 30231 times
But if it always skip the Select from old block, what happen when we need that ?

To solve that problem, this flow also have a trigger that if you press volumn down, this flow will pause in 3 second and you can select from your old block withow be skiped to the Tags window abow

If you appreciate my project, leave a like and comment below.
Please tell me if it is too fast.

Here is the file to import:
(1.78 KiB) Downloaded 1444 times
Lifehack: If you want the flow to trigger faster,
goto Setting > Features and Permission > Accessibility event wait time
Then set time from 100 to 250 millisecond.

and Here is the code:
Flash wrote: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<data version="1.37.0">
<trigger type="user_interface_event">
<trigger type="key_event">
<name>Hardware Key Event: VOLUME_DOWN Up</name>
<action type="control_user_interface">
<name>Control UI: if (trigger == "Display_window") { click("NEW…"); sleep(100); click("Tags"); } else sleep(2000);</name>
<script>if (trigger == "Display_window")
click("NEW…"); sleep(100); click("Tags");
else sleep(2000);</script>
<flow type="flow">
<triggercontainer id="t1" x="-420.0" y="157.5">
<trigger>Hardware Key Event: VOLUME_DOWN Up</trigger>
<actioncontainer id="t2" x="-420.00012" y="297.5">Control UI: if (trigger == "Display_window") { click("NEW…"); sleep(100); click("Tags"); } else sleep(2000);</actioncontainer>
<connection from="t1" to="t2" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />

Re: Faster create for new Block

Posted: 16 Apr 2020 17:10
by icefox56
Ha ha.. this is useful. Never thought of anything like this before. Come to think of it, I never use from the old blocks anyway.

Thanks for sharing

Re: Faster create for new Block

Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:08
by Hit
icefox56 wrote:
16 Apr 2020 17:10
Ha ha.. this is useful. Never thought of anything like this before. Come to think of it, I never use from the old blocks anyway.

Thanks for sharing
You're welcome. But I just realize that if you press the volume down it just pause for 2 second so you can edit that yourself. :D

Re: Faster create for new Block

Posted: 18 Apr 2020 19:22
by gilanxcheetz
useful, this idea never exist in my mind. good job

Re: Faster create for new Block

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:28
by Hit
gilanxcheetz wrote:
18 Apr 2020 19:22
useful, this idea never exist in my mind. good job
I'm glad you liked it.

Re: Faster create for new Block UPGRADED Now become Faster

Posted: 20 Apr 2020 16:26
by Hit
Check out new update!

Re: Faster create for new Block UPGRADED Now become Faster

Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:08
by Yam
Something so simple... Makes life so sweet...

Re: Faster create for new Block UPGRADED Now become Faster

Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:13
by Hit
I'm a simple man. I have a good flow, I post.