I was working on a Flow that makes the phone Switch Songs (NEXT / PREVIOUS) in Music Player by PRESSING the VOLUME UP / DOWN (Hardware Buttons)

I Needed this flow and found it very Useful when DRIVING a CAR.
And if the phone has a PASS or PIN, U'll have to take time opening it then Switching NEXT / PREVIOUS.
I made That Flow Using TRIGGER: Audio Volume. by watching the volume goes Up and Down When H.W Buttons were pressed, It's a Complicated method..
If There was a ( BUTTON-PRESS TRIGGER ) It will be Much Easier

I Hope It Will be Something Like This:
Select Button: Volume UP, Volume DOWN, HOME, MENU, BACK, LOCK, CAMERA...etc.
and if you can add BUTTON PRESS DURATION Option, it will be AWESOME

Thanks a lot
Your Efforts are Appreciated