New Cell API, Multiple line for execute root command, auto delete empty flow, auto day night theme

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New Cell API, Multiple line for execute root command, auto delete empty flow, auto day night theme

Post by coconutxyz » 28 Jan 2020 10:51

i've notice that flow using the phone cell gsm (classic + modern) is very unstable, as in the cell will connect and disconnect frequently even though i'm still in the location. This results in huge battery drain over the night, where from the statistic i can see that the flow was triggered many times. While using tasker and enabled new cell api, i havent notice any disconnection and flow relies on it have never failed. Not sure if automagic is using the same thing as tasker.

secondly, i noticed that the command field for execute root command is only one line making it very hard for noobs like me to see the whole command.
Screenshot_20200128-184344.png (110.64 KiB) Viewed 12311 times
In tasker you can write the command in multiple line

Another one is maybe an option to allow users to automatically delete any empty flow. I accidentally pressed the + button many times results in creating a lot of empty flow.

and the last one is auto day night theme based on the device current theme. I know how to edit the pref xml through sed but if automagic is force stopped the action cannot be executed. unless there is a way to edit the xml the remove automagic from recent but not killing it, i.e restarting the app

Sorry if these are duplicate requests and thanks for your consideration!

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Re: New Cell API, Multiple line for execute root command, auto delete empty flow, auto day night theme

Post by Desmanto » 28 Jan 2020 19:27

1. Cell API need to wait from Martin.

2. Yeah, that's the problem. You can actually separate line logically using ; (semicolon). But it is still very hard to read it in single line. We should be able to have multiple lines here. Currently, pressing enter will go to the next field (Working Directory), instead of inserting new line. My workaround for a long time is to prepare the command in script before the execute command. Use "\n" to separate the line.

Code: Select all

cmd = 'echo "Domain/IP : ' + i + '"\n' + 'ping -W 0.2 -i 0.2 -c4 ' + i + "\n";
when executed, it is like having 2 line (replacing i with example IP)

Code: Select all

echo "Domain/IP :"
ping -W 0.2 -i 0.2 -c4
3. Good request. The feature to delete empty flow can be added in the maintenace section.

4. I would like to add something. Maybe provide a new action to change some Automagic setting. Maybe if it is possible, feature to "Restart Automagic service". I found that when the speech output freeze (as mention here : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8548), I have to stop/restart the service manually. It will be better if we can have action that can automate some Automagic built-in setting, including this theme (that you requested).
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
