sum of times stored for certain projects
Moderator: Martin
sum of times stored for certain projects
I would like to create a flow in which the sum of last weeks time periods in Gleeo are automatically tallied and emailed to a third party. I gather that this is presumable possible and, indeed, I have been able to decipher how to export data and send the mail without much trouble at all. But, I am having some difficulty understanding how to tally the times and send that information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Re: sum of times stored for certain projects
There is no action in Automagic to calculate the sum of a week. The best you can do is to use an action Gleeo Filesystem Export, set the time range to 'this week' or 'last week' and automatically send the file as an attachment to the third party. They still have to open the CSV file in a spreadsheet tool to calculate the sum of the week.
You can manually calculate the weekly sum by opening the report dialog in Gleeo Time Tracker, select the week and select the small 'Export' button on the lower left of the screen to create a mail with the sum.
There is no action in Automagic to calculate the sum of a week. The best you can do is to use an action Gleeo Filesystem Export, set the time range to 'this week' or 'last week' and automatically send the file as an attachment to the third party. They still have to open the CSV file in a spreadsheet tool to calculate the sum of the week.
You can manually calculate the weekly sum by opening the report dialog in Gleeo Time Tracker, select the week and select the small 'Export' button on the lower left of the screen to create a mail with the sum.