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Write to File Action
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 02:36
by Vyza
Request that the File Settings support variables. Would like to create the file name using a variable within a script and use this variable as the file name to Write to File.
Re: Write to File Action
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 17:50
by inReinbek
Set your variable-filename in {} and go on.
Re: Write to File Action
Posted: 02 Mar 2013 21:21
by saherr1969
As an example, I use the following, /mnt/sdcard/Automagic/Mileage/{global_todayYearYYYY}, to save a file to a folder with the current year in its name.
global_todayYearYYYY holds 2013 right now.
Re: Write to File Action
Posted: 03 Mar 2013 01:15
by Vyza
The Write to File Action does not seem to support variables within the File setting - that's what I'm requesting.
If varFileName="Test.txt" and /mnt/sdcard/LOGS/{varFileName} is entered into the File setting, a file named {varFileName} instead of Test.txt is created in directory /mnt/sdcard/LOGS/.
Re: Write to File Action
Posted: 04 Mar 2013 08:58
by Martin
Variable support for this field should be in the next update.