Adaptative Location

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Adaptative Location

Post by manuel » 09 Jul 2013 07:26

I don't know if this is feasible or easy to implement, but it would be welcome (battery usage is a nightmare in Android, specially with GPS related features).
Right now, we have to select Network, Wifi or GPS location provider. Network is low on battery and precision and GPS high on both, Wifi being somewhat in the middle. That is, if I want precise location the battery will be heavily used all the time.
"Adaptative location provider" would work at follows:
  • You the normal radius for a location and a "capture radius".
  • It starts as Network (or Wifi) provider.
  • Whenever the phone is in the "capture radius" it switches to the GPS provider. Now it uses more battery, but only while you are near your interest spot.
  • The trigger activates when the phone is in the precise location you selected.
  • If you exit the "capture radius", it goes to the Network/Wifi provider again, and battery consumption decreasesw.
Thanks for listening.

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Re: Adaptative Location

Post by MURTUMA » 09 Jul 2013 07:37

You can do it with a few flows already.

Flow 1: trigger: periodic timer.
Action: check network location.
Condition: if you are near your point of interest, execute flow 2. If not, then disable GPS.

Flow 2: trigger: none
Action: set GPS on and check your exact location.

That should work quote nicely for what you are trying to archive.

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Re: Adaptative Location

Post by manuel » 09 Jul 2013 12:51

This is not exactly what I want. The second flow should start checking until it is in the exact point or disable itself if outside of the "capture area".
But I would need to create a couple of flows for each location I want to check... I know that I can hack a solution, but I see this more as a built in feature, hence the suggestion.


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Re: Adaptative Location

Post by MURTUMA » 09 Jul 2013 17:16

That's exactly what my example does. The second flow triggers only when first flow tells it to, ie. you are near(near, because you can't get the "exact point" with network based location) the location you want. Also, if you're not, then it disables GPS.

You can put as many locations as you want into the first flow.

EDIT: Well, almost as I explained it: ... c855a658f0

Tweak the values and locations as you see fit, but this does the job.

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Re: Adaptative Location

Post by manuel » 10 Jul 2013 06:40

I see, but this is the kind of solution I want to avoid. Two flows with several steps for each location/action pair is too convoluted, when it could be elegantly embedded in the trigger.

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Re: Adaptative Location

Post by MURTUMA » 10 Jul 2013 09:41

I think myself that's quite simple(the most simple I know of w/o creating new trigger) solution I wrote there. It's very easy to add and remove new locations and you can use these kind of flows in very diverse ways, if you change trigger to ie. any app related and change conditions respectively. But if that's not good enough for you, suit yourself.

Btw, Martin's at holiday currently and may not provide support right now, so ask next month again.
