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WiFi Available: multiple OR ssid

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 11:24
by fede91it
In the WiFi Available condition can you add the possibility to choose multiple SSID instead of only one?
For exaMple the SSID value "WORK_WIFI_1,WORK_WIFI_2 WILL" will check the condition for both these ssid.

Re: WiFi Available: multiple OR ssid

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 15:29
Currently you can check this by creating OR conditions that each check for specific WiFi and if not available, check another. ... 2df0cc5c71

Re: WiFi Available: multiple OR ssid

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 17:28
by fede91it
I know, it's a base of a flow chart, but I think will be interesting implement directly the feature.