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Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 20 May 2014 03:42
by RPM
I have a flow which turns off mobile data when the screen is turned off (to save battery), but don't want this to happen if the device is tethered via USB.
Note: There is a WiFi Tether condition, but none for USB (that I found).
It would be great if you could find time to implement this. Thanks.
Re: Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 20 May 2014 09:50
by BoBo
Isn't that similar to this request?
USB Trigger

Re: Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 20 May 2014 13:01
by Nerey
Or you can use condition or trigger "Power Source: Connected (USB)"
Re: Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 26 May 2014 18:28
by Martin
It should be possible to add such a condition. Unfortunately there's no official API for this so it might not work on all devices.
Re: Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 11 Mar 2016 09:47
by fede91it
And how I match as trigger the event of enabling the USB tethering?
I want to disable wifi and enable mobile data when I enable the tethering via USB and reenable wifi and disable mobile data when I disable the USB tethering.
Re: Condition - USB Tethering State (Feature Request)
Posted: 11 Mar 2016 19:10
by Martin
There's no trigger to react to USB tethering but you could probably use a trigger Notification on Statusbar Displayed and Notification on Statusbar Removed to detect when USB tethering changes.
The notification is usually displayed by package android and contains the text 'Tethering' (might depend on device and manufacturer).