Clear Voicemail Notification
Posted: 08 Dec 2014 23:39
Please add a voicemail notification clear action. This has been a gnawing problem since I've gotten my nexus and nobody seems to be able to fix it.
If you can't get this to work a clear phone app data action (on startup flow) would fix this.
I am using a work around with secure settings to disable phone notifications on boot and reenable enable them after the voicemail notification is gone.
Please add a voicemail notification clear action. This has been a gnawing problem since I've gotten my nexus and nobody seems to be able to fix it.
If you can't get this to work a clear phone app data action (on startup flow) would fix this.
I am using a work around with secure settings to disable phone notifications on boot and reenable enable them after the voicemail notification is gone.