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Simple 'Set Variable' action

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 14:55
by automagician
Didn't see the request posted before (I actually searched), if I missed it, please let me know, and I'll 'me too' the existing thread.

As part of my mission to introduce more people to AutoMagic, I'm hoping my suggestions will be helpful.

The 'Script' action is too intimidating for new users, and can be time consuming/frustrating for even advanced users.

A simple 'Set Variable' action which allows the user to set/increase/decrease a value, or refer to another {variable} via a dropdown, would be very useful.

It should cover the needs for most Flows, and would make things easier, even for experts, IMO. 'Script' would still be useful for the more complex situations.

Re: Simple 'Set Variable' action

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 15:48
by mbirth
Please don't make this another "Automate". I'm currently evaluating both - Automate and Automagic - as a replacement for my little world of Tasker scripts. What I absolutely hate about Automate is exactly that: You need hundreds of blocks just to shuffle around a few values. A single Script block makes life so much easier and the flow extremely easier to "read".

Re: Simple 'Set Variable' action

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 16:44
by automagician
I specifically mentioned that the Script action is still useful, but having to write scripts for a simple action doesn't make sense on such a tiny screen, especially when you like to tinker.

You can keep using Script, but there's no harm in allowing an easier to use method on top of that.

Re: Simple 'Set Variable' action

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 17:05
by mbirth
Well, you have to type the name of the new variable anyways. What's so difficult to add "=123" after that? And drop-downs wouldn't allow the flexibility you have now in terms of the various functions and display formats ({myvar; dateformat; HH:mm}).

However, I'd love some sort of auto-completion for functions and variable names in the script editor, like Automate has.

Re: Simple 'Set Variable' action

Posted: 24 Mar 2016 21:14
by Martin
You can use the buttons Snippet, Variable and Function below the script editor to insert script parts more comfortable. The variable-list contains all variables that could be available when the script is reached (best effort).