Add action (Rename file)

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Add action (Rename file)

Post by Ruben-pc » 26 May 2016 18:34

Hi, I have a problem. I'm working with files and I was wondering if could you add a new action.

- Rename File

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by Martin » 26 May 2016 18:38


You can use action Move Files to rename a file.


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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by Ruben-pc » 26 May 2016 18:44

Ok, thanks

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by wfrcrd » 12 Jul 2016 18:57

How can I rename a set of files if I don't know the file names but only the directory where those files will be stored?
It's possible to use some wildcard?

Thank you

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by kintrupf » 13 Jul 2016 06:19

wfrcrd wrote:How can I rename a set of files if I don't know the file names but only the directory where those files will be stored?
It's possible to use some wildcard?
You can use the action Init Variable File List (which supports wildcards) to store the names of the files in a list and then iterate through the list and rename those files.

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by wfrcrd » 13 Jul 2016 16:41

kintrupf wrote:
wfrcrd wrote:How can I rename a set of files if I don't know the file names but only the directory where those files will be stored?
It's possible to use some wildcard?
You can use the action Init Variable File List (which supports wildcards) to store the names of the files in a list and then iterate through the list and rename those files.
Thank you for the answer but I'm not good to use variables, and I'm a very beginner ,may I ask you some more help?
I have a trigger wich works "file observer" and the I set the action Init variable list as you can see on the image.
What I should expect? A file in that location called "source.tx(t) (it miss the last t).
I can't find nothing.
And how can I use those list (when I'll find it!)

Thanks a lot
2016-07-13-18-31-57.png (351.1 KiB) Viewed 26899 times

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by kintrupf » 14 Jul 2016 09:18

wfrcrd wrote:I have a trigger wich works "file observer" and the I set the action Init variable list as you can see on the image.
It would be probably best if you'd tell us what the ultimate goal of your flow is. That way, we might help you better!

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by wfrcrd » 14 Jul 2016 22:27

Yes sure, I have several pourposes, one example:

there are different apps wich produces images on different location,
I'd like to put all the images in the same directory and then rename all those images.

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by kintrupf » 15 Jul 2016 09:43

Take a look at the following flow. I made it sometime ago to create a daily backup of every flow on my phone and store the three most recent of those in my Dropbox.
You'll fine plenty of variable usage there (all things within curly braces are variables), and also a lot of file manipulation, including iterating over a list of files.
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If you have any more questions I'm happy to help!

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Re: Add action (Rename file)

Post by wfrcrd » 15 Jul 2016 10:50

Ehm.. it seems very complicated to me, expecially because it's not so simple to me to translate the xml text to a
flow interface, I'll try it and then I will have a lot of question..

See you soon and
Thanks a lot.
