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Posted: 07 May 2017 08:02
by Amenophis86
I tried to find it with google and the search of this board but had no luck, so I have to ask. Is it possible to get the text of an alarm in variable?
Hab mit der Suche leider nix gefunden, bei Google auch nicht. Ich würde gerne den Alarmtext in eine Variable auslesen, alternativ ihn als Condition einbinden. Hat da jemand etwas zu gefunden?
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 07 May 2017 10:07
by bogdyro
Label of the alarm ? Only on a rooted phone I guess
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 07 May 2017 11:36
by Martin
You could try to detect the text by extracting the notification text when the alarm is ringing (might not work on all alarm apps).
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 07 May 2017 15:57
by Amenophis86
I need the text before it rings
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 07 May 2017 18:02
by bogdyro
If You have a rooted phone you could read the alarms.db file and get the info, depending on time and app clock.
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 08 May 2017 03:17
by Amenophis86
Thanks for the information, but rooting is not an option since I need the banking Apps etc.
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 08 May 2017 19:15
by bogdyro
What is the purpose of the flow if I may ask?
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 09 May 2017 11:27
by Amenophis86
You may. I Start some automation in my Smarthome with my alarm every morning. And by just changing the time, it changes the time for the start in FHEM (Smarthome Software).
But I can not use an other alarms during The Day in my Smartphone right now because every alarm would Start the Flow in my Smarthome. And I dont want to use The calendar for it
so I am looking for a way to distinguish the alarms.
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 09 May 2017 19:10
by bogdyro
Isn't there a notification that appears when an alarm is about to go off? Like 30 min before. It does that on my phone aosp 7.1 with the default clock app. It has the name and time of the upcoming alarm. And you should look into rooting,there are ways to hide it from
your bank apps.
Re: Alarmtext
Posted: 09 May 2017 19:18
by Amenophis86
I did not see a notification before the alarm goes off, but I will check it again.
Well I use a Sony Xperia Z5 Compact and tried hiding the root. It did not work so I had to unroot it.