Limit Global variable and Debug Dialog
Posted: 12 Aug 2017 15:58
Hi Martin,
Is there a way to implement a limit on Global Variable, so it will be limited only to certain flow? I have created a lot of flows, and my GloVar keep growing until it need scrolling now when selecting variable. What I want is I can select certain GloVar and make it only visible to 2 or 3 flows, but not visible in other flows. There will be checklist, that the GloVar will be available in certain flows and all new created flows (or only current available flows) I know the name will be inapproriate, since it supposed to be global. Maybe create a new tag for the spesific flow, such as tag flow_variable will be the one managed in this way.
I found the debug dialog to be one of the most useful feature in debugging, especially with scripting. I used this a lot when creating flow. However, this GloVar problem also affecting the debug dialog. When I need only to check 2-3 variables, the GloVar still shows up at the bottom and kinda distracting. If limiting the GloVar is not possible, maybe you can add a check box at the debug dialog, to show only local variable. There is a function to list all available variable and we can parse only the local ones, show them in notification on screen. But that defeats the purpose of the powerful debug dialog, where we can check, edit, copy the value of the variables on the fly. So, it will be better to have the option at the debug dialog.
Thank & Regards,
Is there a way to implement a limit on Global Variable, so it will be limited only to certain flow? I have created a lot of flows, and my GloVar keep growing until it need scrolling now when selecting variable. What I want is I can select certain GloVar and make it only visible to 2 or 3 flows, but not visible in other flows. There will be checklist, that the GloVar will be available in certain flows and all new created flows (or only current available flows) I know the name will be inapproriate, since it supposed to be global. Maybe create a new tag for the spesific flow, such as tag flow_variable will be the one managed in this way.
I found the debug dialog to be one of the most useful feature in debugging, especially with scripting. I used this a lot when creating flow. However, this GloVar problem also affecting the debug dialog. When I need only to check 2-3 variables, the GloVar still shows up at the bottom and kinda distracting. If limiting the GloVar is not possible, maybe you can add a check box at the debug dialog, to show only local variable. There is a function to list all available variable and we can parse only the local ones, show them in notification on screen. But that defeats the purpose of the powerful debug dialog, where we can check, edit, copy the value of the variables on the fly. So, it will be better to have the option at the debug dialog.
Thank & Regards,