Bluscre wrote:Desmanto wrote:(I remember there are still several exploits available).
Can't standalone AM offer to use these?
Sorry, I am not clear with the exploit. I mean the tapjacking exploit, which use similiar concept to custom widget, by putting the widget on top of the element but still passing the tap to the element on the bottom. It uses accessibility feature. So not the modifying element that you want.
Desmanto wrote:To change from the core UI element, require root and xposed.
Bluscre wrote:( I would be okay with root+xposed cause i have them on all my devices anyway )
Yeah, it is about the time and priority. Creating xposed module require a lot of work. As you know that xposed development also quite slow, rovo89 also takes a lot of time and today we still don't have official xposed framework (there are a lot of unofficial unstable version) for Nougat yet (Oreo is out already).
I don't want to get the body background color, i want to change it. Some apps don't give the user a option to select a dark theme (like youtube for example) so i want to override it's background color with AM.
It is probably easier to find a modified apk with dark theme, than waiting for this feature to be implemented. Besides Xposed, modifying this background or any element directly need direct access to the apk, which is similiar to patching or modding. I don't think Automagic want to do something like that and get banned by Playstore. Everyone lose then.
I want to store the element itself in a variable, manipulating the element from there would give so much possibilites (add new events for buttons, labels, etc (onClick, onLongClick, onHover))
For getting the whole element ID, I agree. There is no function to retrieve all available element ID in current windows, only can get the text. But after you get them all, you still can't do anything to it without xposed or direct apk mod. It only helps in determining with element need to be clicked or set the text, etc.
Custom widgets is exactly what i don't want to use, they look ugly are overcomplicated and bloat a flow completely
Unfortunately, this is the only possible solution provided by accessibility.