@Martin : I agree with template group of flow. Taking up one group space solely for template is fine for me. So the template can be exported as xml too, can be shared as well. However, need to know how to solve the problem after adding too many templates. We will have a long scroll list which defeat the purpose of the template. I have 10 favourite elements currently, all adding only single element. Maybe this can be added as new menu in Add... ? So we have Action, Condition, Note, Template and
Favourites (I know this is new request then, but I think I can mention it here).
For the template, beside of copy paste, I wish it can accept and parse variables too. Since it is almost a complete flow, i think it can be done. For example, I have several helper flow. One of them I have mentioned before, to create expression which check for multiple triggers. My flow function works by parsing all possible triggers from the flow (example there are 10 triggers). Then there will be input option showing those 10 triggers where I can choose only several of them, example I choose trigger 4, trigger 6 and trigger 8. After adding new element, my helper flow will use control UI and create a new expression which contain
Code: Select all
containsElement(newList("trigger 4", "trigger 6", "trigger 8"))
So this expression simply allow only trigger 4, 6 and 8 to pass thru it. The name of trigger 4, 6, 8 are parsed from the selected trigger those we choose from the flow.
So the template can use the variable derived from the previous elements, and we can choose to map them to the selected variable when adding the template. For example, previous element before the template have variables : {text}, {value} and {clip}. Then in the template we can defined a script to mention something like
Code: Select all
message = "{tempvar_a} {tempvar_b} has the clipboard of {tempvar_c}";
When adding the template, it will prompt us to map the variable. So we map/choose
tempvar_a >> text
tempvar_b >> value
tempvar_c >> clip
After pressing OK, the script will be created and has the content
Code: Select all
message = "{text} {value} has the clipboard of {clip}";
So the variable are dynamically replaced by the one we choose.
Sounds complicated

But if it is going to be implemented, I think it should have this feature directly from the beginning. As adding it later will make all previously created template incompatible. Need to redesign the whole template logic again.
@98b427af : There are two possible solution. One is still the same, keep template as a group. But add a new level subgroup. Currently we have only group, then immediately flow. Only 2 levels. If we can add extra level, we can have group - group - flow. Template can be store as one 1st level group, and inside it we can have more 2nd group, and then the real template flow. How about it? I think extra level should be added now. I started to run out of space to keep the whole group in single screen

even though I have parallel a lot of my one trick pony flow.
Second choice is to treat the template as a separate entity, such as widget or glovar. So the template located just below GloVar. And inside we can add as many parts as we want, ready to be pasted on any flow we want.