Run script Step by Step

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Moderator: Martin

Posts: 241
Joined: 04 Apr 2015 15:14

Run script Step by Step

Post by bogdyro » 05 Nov 2017 11:04

Hi Martin.
I would like to suggest a feature.
Running a script step by step with a debug dialog between each step to see how the variables change.
It's difficult to debug long and complex scripts, the only way would be to separate the statements in different script actions and interpose a debug dialog between them.
It would be nice to have a keyword like 'debug' that when put in a script would stop the flow with a debug dialog and continue right after that statement.
Is this doable? thanks

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Re: Run script Step by Step

Post by Desmanto » 05 Nov 2017 16:13

+1 for this. The debug will act kinda like breakpoint, to pause the whole script and show the variable value.

I typically split the script and attach debug dialog in the middle. And rejoin after it has finish. Or if it is error, Just attach debug dialog and change the connector to "Exception".
It will be easier to add just "debug" and it will prompt the variable immediately.
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