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Multi level folders inside Automagic
Posted: 26 Jan 2019 16:37
by lord_EarlGray
Hi, could you please make feature of multi level folders, so we could organise our flows in more efficient way? For example, I would like to have structure like this: LocationFlows / LocationServices / flow1
Re: Multi level folders inside Automagic
Posted: 26 Jan 2019 17:43
by Desmanto
It seems a lot of us want this feature too :
I will plus one again for this, as now I have almost 200 flows in 21 groups.
Re: Multi level folders inside Automagic
Posted: 27 Jan 2019 10:16
by digitalstone
First i wasn't sure about this.
But it now becomes more apparent to me that the folder structure needs sub-folders.
And also perhaps something to make active flows visible inside the folder-tab when it's unfolded(?)