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location from google maps to osmand

Posted: 04 May 2019 20:17
by younesetre
I need flow that allows to share the location of google maps in osmand.
my idea is to use send/received and query content but i don't no how extract data from query content

Re: location from google maps to osmand

Posted: 04 May 2019 23:32
by Desmanto
What location you want to share? Current location and named location usually don't have coordinate. While dropped pin at random place usually have coordinate that you can copy. To reverse the named place to coordinate, we have to use geocode API, which is limited.

Re: location from google maps to osmand

Posted: 05 May 2019 07:12
by younesetre
"While dropped pin at random place usually have coordinate that you can copy"

that's what i'm looking for but i do not know how to create flow

Re: location from google maps to osmand

Posted: 05 May 2019 16:11
by Desmanto
Copy the coordinate from google maps. Use trigger clipboard changed, add condition app task running - google maps. true, copy the clipboard to variable and use it in the geocode start activity for osmand : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7809

Re: location from google maps to osmand

Posted: 05 May 2019 19:34
by younesetre
with little modification I can share coordinate from maps or sms to osmand without installing APK.
You are the best and automagic is the best apk