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Moderator: Martin
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by clever_man » 15 Sep 2015 11:54
Can't using regexp.
Trying example code from documentation, but it doesn't work:
Code: Select all
result = matches("1234567", "\\d{3}.*");
In logs result get false ((
Trying more simple:
Code: Select all
result = matches("1234567", "1");
But result false too.
Whats wrong?
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by Martin » 15 Sep 2015 13:06
Automagic replaces variables within curly braces in strings (check section String Inline Expressions in the documentation of action Script).
In your case "\\d{3}.*" will actually be processed to "\\d3.*". You can use single quotes to avoid that {3} is replaced by 3: '\\d{3}.*'
Pattern 1 does not match 1234567 since the pattern needs to match the entire string. You could extend the pattern to result = matches("1234567", "1.*");.
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by clever_man » 15 Sep 2015 13:21
But I wan't to find exact simbol '1' and "1.*" find the whole string "1234567".
Where I can test rexep? I trying on but it not situable for Automagic regexp...
Can I'm use regexp for text file?
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by Martin » 15 Sep 2015 13:50
Automagic uses the regex-support of Android/Java. A tester like should work.
Adding a simple tester directly within Automagic would be useful. I'll add it to the todo-list.
You can use capturing groups to extract text:
Code: Select all
value = "my code is 1234";
list = newList();
result = matches(value, '.*(\\d{4}).*', list);
log(result);// true
log(list);// [my code is 1234, 1234]
The first entry of the list contains the entire matched string, the value at index 1 contains the text matched by the first capturing group in parantheses.
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by clever_man » 15 Sep 2015 14:36
Trying simple example.
By Init Var Tex File read in
resTest this text:
Code: Select all
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Web Authentication Redirect</TITLE><META http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><META http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL="></HEAD></HTML>
Then trying next script:
Code: Select all
ls = newList();
lines = split(resTest, "\\r?\\n");
for (line in lines)
tmp = matches(line, "a.*", ls);
But it false.
Code: Select all
[My Flow] Start executing action 'Script: ls = newList(); //resTest = "abc1\nabc2\nabc3"; log(resTest); lines = split(resTest, "\\r?\\n"); for (line in lines) { log(line); tmp = matches(line, "a.*", ls); log(tmp); } log(ls);'
[My Flow] <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Web Authentication Redirect</TITLE><META http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><META http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL="></HEAD></HTML>
[My Flow]
[My Flow] <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Web Authentication Redirect</TITLE><META http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><META http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL="></HEAD></HTML>
[My Flow] false
[My Flow] []
[My Flow] End executing action 'Script: ls = newList(); //resTest = "abc1\nabc2\nabc3"; log(resTest); lines = split(resTest, "\\r?\\n"); for (line in lines) { log(line); tmp = matches(line, "a.*", ls); log(tmp); } log(ls);'
[My Flow] Flow ended.
- Posts: 4468
- Joined: 09 Nov 2012 14:23
by Martin » 17 Sep 2015 19:02
It seems that there's no line of text that starts with a. matches checks whether the whole input text matches the pattern, not just partially.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: 15 Sep 2015 11:43
by clever_man » 17 Sep 2015 19:09
Martin wrote:It seems that there's no line of text that starts with a. matches checks whether the whole input text matches the pattern, not just partially.
But ".*a.*" doesn't work too.
How I can find and using url for this text?
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by Martin » 17 Sep 2015 19:51
The next EAP version will include a simple regular expression tester which should help to work with regular expressions.
An expression like this could work (not tested with your input):
(?s) turns on DOTALL mode so that a dot also matches newlines.
The url can be found with getElement(groups, 1), when the input matches.
I'm not a regular expression expert so there might be much better ways to do it. I often also use the functions indexOf and substring to extract some text.
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by clever_man » 18 Sep 2015 07:10
Martin wrote:The url can be found with getElement(groups, 1), when the input matches.
Intersting situation - in matches() for regexp I'm using ' ' instead " " (because " using in line and the expression cause error with " ").
After this, when I'm trying getElement() all script cause error in in the log after getElement(); append a symbol '. I think that is bug.
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by Martin » 21 Sep 2015 12:56
The dialog that displays the error shows the entire script within single quotes. The marked single quote corresponds to the single quote tight before ls=newList.
The real cause of the problem can probably be identified in the log. What does the log show after executing this script (menu->Log)?